Julia Jones Matthews School of Population and Public Health | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center


Improve Health for All

At the Julia Jones Matthews School of Population and Public Health, we are training the next generation of public health professionals to approach complex issues from a population perspective, using evidence-based solutions to improve health outcomes for communities and individuals

What is Population + Public Health?

While public health is the science and art of preventing disease, and prolonging and improving quality of life through organized efforts of communities, population health highlights significant health issues and addresses ways to allocate resources. Population health also works to overcome issues driving poor health outcomes through interdisciplinary approaches that connect practice to policy.

Programs and 

Dual Degrees 


In Research Grants

Graduates Employed 

Within Six Months of Completing Degree

Student working on research

Bridging Medicine and Public Health

Since its founding in 2014, the public health program has garnered national recognition, most recently appearing among the top-100 programs in the nation in the 2023 U.S. News & World Report Best Graduate School Rankings. Programs are designed to train compassionate, aspiring public health professionals who are called to pursue a leadership role in a health care setting.

Why the Julia Jones Matthews School of Population and Public Health at 澳门六合彩投注?

Training emphasizes the knowledge and skills of core public health fields and the integration and application of those fields to public health practice.

Expert and Diverse Faculty
Since 2014, our faculty have authored 182 peer-reviewed articles, chapters, reports or books that have been published for scholarship purposes and have won multiple national & state awards for teaching, research and career achievement.
Invested in Student Success
With a focus on student success and support, our programs focus on Applied Practice Experience which enables students to observe and learn from professionals in the field. Additionally, more than 90% of our graduates were employed in their field of study within six months of graduation or engaged in further continuing their education.
Comprehensive Education
The programs prepare health professionals to practice skillful and evidence-based preventive public health, provide interdisciplinary expertise and conduct research that informs the diverse fields within public health.
students in classroom in discussion


Phone: (325) 696-0632
Office Hours: 8am-5pm, M-F
Email: spph@ttuhsc.edu